KAL Pool Reopening with Covid-19 Restrictions
The indoor pool officially reopens at 6:00 pm Tuesday November 23, 2021.There are still minor deficiencies to be addressed.
As per directives of the Provincial Government and Public Health Authorities Kensington Apartments Limited is reopening the indoor pool for use by shareholders with the following parameters in place.
Opening Tuesday November 23. 2021 6:00pm.
No guests
You must have completed an Amenity Use Agreement prior to using
You must book your time on- line using Skedda
Maximum users 4 with a 30 minute maximum- except for supervised Aquafit Classes
Aquafit classes Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 - 11:00am and 6:00 - 7:00pm
No sharing of floatation devices
Shower at home before coming to the pool
Maintain safe social distancing practices at all times
If you have any flu like symptoms you may not use the pool
The changerooms remain closed except as a point of access and egress to the gym and pool.
Entrance is via the Men's Changeroom. Exit via the Women's Changeroom.
Maximum number of gym users at one time has been increased to two.
No guests
You must have completed an Amenity Use Agreement prior to using
You must book your time on- line using Skedda
Maintain safe social distancing practices at all times
If you have any flu like symptoms you may not use the pool
The changerooms remain closed except as a point of access and egress to the gym and pool.
Entrance is via the Men's Changeroom. Exit via the Women's Changeroom.