Town Hall Meeting
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Masks Required
Town Halls are traditionally less formal than our AGMs and an opportunity to share ideas and talk to the Board. KAL residents are accomplished, intelligent and creative. Directors are looking forward to hearing your ideas about how to make KAL the best it can be. We want to try a different approach this year, one that aims to engage shareholders in a conversation with one another as well as with the Board.
After introductory remarks, participants will be divided into groups of 8-10. A Director will facilitate discussion in each group. Participants are invited to raise issues and share views about any aspect of life at KAL. Directors will make note of the topics discussed. At the end of the meeting, we will pull together the themes arising out of all the discussions to share with everyone. We will also publish a summary in the next Kensington Report.
To make this pilot work, we need to know in advance how many people are likely to attend in person. We would also like to know how many would prefer to attend a Zoom Town Hall, instead. A Zoom event would be conducted the same way as the in-person meeting will be – participants will be divided into break out groups for smaller group discussion and the whole group brought back together for reports from each group.
If you plan to attend in person, please rsvp to Chrystalline de Guzman, the KAL Assistant, at by 5 p.m on Thursday, November 3.
If you would like there to be a virtual Town Hall, please email Chrystalline at by Thursday as well.
Whether we combine the in-person and virtual events depends in part on the numbers, and whether we can manage the technical issues. So let us know how you would like to participate.