DOG RULES a reminder...
There are a lot of dogs residing at 21 Dale.
Everybody thinks their dog is perfect, but there are simple dos and don’ts that are not being observed by all dog owners.
So, just a reminder...
BARKING is noisy. We understand it is impossible to curb all barking, but please do your best to stop the noise once it starts.
LEASHES must always be used in common areas. Having your dog on a leash but not holding the leash is not acceptable. Please hold your dog’s leash. Some people are afraid of dogs, and it can be scary to have a dog lunge or bark at you.
TRAINING: if you have trouble minimizing barking, or keeping your dog on a leash, then think about training..
Gym rules, do we still want the sign-up system?
The online gym sign-up system is still in place. Residents are asked to reserve a slot if they are going to use the gym. There is a current limit of 2 people at a time.
The gym committee welcomes feedback on whether to continue using the sign-up system or to revert to the old “first come first served” way of doing things we had pre-pandemic.
If you have feedback, please send it to gym committee chair:
Indoor Pool rules…
Residents no longer need to reserve a spot. Back to ‘first come first served”.
The Caring Committee is once again putting out a call for our residents to donate food to our neighbours at the Allen Gardens Food Bank. The need is greater than ever given the rise in food prices, 10% over the past few months. The line-up for the food bank grows every week.
This is a photograph outside the Allen Gardens Foodbank in January of this year
Everyone was so generous for our winter food drive. We hope the giving spirit remains strong. Two boxes will be placed in the lobby, and we are asking you to donate non-perishable food items.
Friday, March 24 the boxes will be placed in the lobby. The final donation will be Thursday, April 13. Thank you in advance.
If you are interested in learning more about the status of food banks in the city, here’s an article about the Allen Gardens Foodbank specifically.
And a podcast on how food inflation is affecting all the food banks across the city.
Do you have neighbours who you feel would be good additions to the Kensington Board, but who may not be willing to blow their own horns?
If so, talk to them about the satisfaction that they may receive from meeting and working with other shareholders to make life even better here at 21 Dale. Encourage them to apply. There are only 2 mandatory qualifications for board membership : - being a shareholder or the spouse of a shareholder. - having lived here for a year at the time of the May general meeting election Anybody wanting to apply, or just wanting more information, can contact a member of the Nominating Committee : Shawn Dunn Sandy Moore Denise Réaume Joanne Turner They will be delighted to hear from you and your neighbours.
COMMITTEES...How do I find out more? How do I join?...
Frequent questions asked by shareholders, especially new residents who are keen to get involved in their community.
The Board has come up with what we hope will help answer those questions, and any others you might have. We are going to host a Committee Fair, much like a job fair or a club fair at a university
It will take place on Thursday, April 13th from 5:30-8:30. We will set up a table for each committee and place them around the lobby, the mezzanine and the alcove on the 6th floor. Acoustics proved to be challenging when we held the Town Hall groups, that is why we are spreading everyone around. Each committee will have an information table where you can get materials, talk to committee members and signup for service if you so desire.
Rod Maxwell, Chair of the Social Committee has offered to make this a joint venture. There will be beverages and bites and the opportunity for shareholders new and old to learn more about the committees and the role they play in our wonderful community.
The Committees are:
Grounds Committee
House Committee
Caring Committee
Renovation Committee
Green Committee
Library Committee
Gym Committee
There will also be a Board table for anyone who wants to ask questions of The Board.
Can we put furniture in the curtain wall alcoves???
The Board gets queries regularly about whether we can put furniture in the curtain wall coves overlooking the courtyard. There is some basic furniture on the 5th floor east side, but none elsewhere. The stumbling block is the fire inspector. Currently, this local official has a lot of discretion to decide what is permissible. There are, of course, safety concerns. For these reasons, many will remember, we were required a few years ago to enclose the bookcases in the library in fire-proof glass (or remove the books!), and replace the comfortable furniture that had been in the fifth floor cove with metal garden furniture. The experience of negotiating with the fire inspector last time was discouraging.
Before giving up entirely, the Board would like a better sense of how strongly shareholders feel about this issue. If there were furniture in some of the coves, would you use these areas to read a book, share a cup of coffee, do a jigsaw puzzle? If there is interest in revisiting this issue, we will consider possible next steps.
You may have noticed these small yellow flowers, in the bed west of the main entrance on the north side of the path.
They are Winter Aconites which bloom before snowdrops and crocuses, Winter Aconites or Eranthis Hyemalis are the earliest sign of spring.
A remarkable little plant, they store enough energy over winter to generate heat and melt the snow around them. A common South European plant, Aconites are part of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) Introduced to Britain in the 16th century. Aconites became fashionable in the 18th century when landscape designer Capability Brown used them widely to ensure that even very early in the year there would be something bright to see in the garden. Aconites quickly escaped from English gardens into the wild where they naturalized. They also have done this in some places in Ontario. At KAL, they often migrate from one area to another.
TIMBER!!!...thar she goes
Thanks to Gary Topp for recording the demise of the Glen Road pedestrian bridge. A zipline will be installed shortly (kidding!)
News from James...
The damaged drain (aka the sinkhole)
Last we heard the engineers concluded that to install the new drain a trench should be dug with a small excavator drilling horizontally.
This decision prompted the Conservation Authority to request we change the information required on the Tree Protection Plan, the Construction Plan, and the geotechnical letter.
A meeting was convened with the Conservation Authority, the City Ravines Department, the arborist, civil engineer, geotechnical engineer, KAL staff and a board member. The purpose of the meeting was to determine exactly what information was required to obtain approval to proceed to the construction phase. The revised reports from the Arborist, Civil engineer and geotechnical engineer were submitted to the Conservation Authority and are currently under review. We have been advised that the review may take 2-3 weeks. (April 6) In the interim we are preparing for approval and have asked the engineering firm to obtain quotes.
Important future dates....
The garage power wash will take place on April 26. You will need to move your car by 8:00 am for a few hours. In suite heating valve inspection takes place this year May 5-7. AND, a sure sign of summer, the Outdoor pool will open May 19.