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Kensington Report -Feb. 2, 2022

Wishing you all a Happy New Year. It’s a little late but this is the first Kensington Report of 2022.

Unfortunately, Covid is still with us, which means we are still required to WEAR A MASK IN ALL COMMON AREAS

It’s tiresome...but it is essential. Please respect your neighbours, and our staff. Please welcome a new member to the management team, Administrative Assistant Chrystalline De Guzman

Chrystalline’s first day started inauspiciously as it was the day of the great snow dump! And because of Covid unfortunately doors remain closed.

However, she is quickly getting up to speed, please say hello if you see her and we are planning on some meet and greet times in the near future.

Adrianna has taken another job at a different building in the Crossbridge family.

Pool news

After many delays and many months, we now have a sparkling, refurbished indoor pool and whirlpool. Such a pleasure in these snowy times.

How do I sign up for the gym and the indoor pool?

There remains a little confusion about how to sign up for the gym and the pool.

FIRST STEP: You must first sign and submit an Amenity User Agreement form to the Security Desk along with your proof of vaccination. Once the agreement has been received by the RSO (Residents Services Office)

you will be sent a link to the scheduling site via email.


After your initial registration you may go to either the booking website directly at:

or the KAL website.


Password: donvalley483

  1. Click on Shareholder Home on the right-hand side of the page

  1. Under Life at KAL click on Gym Sign Up (this is for both the gym and the indoor pool)

  1. Click on SIGN UP FOR GYM TIME. A schedule will appear with days and times. The times are in 15-minute increments. You can book 30 minutes for either the gym or the pool.

  1. An example below. In the first column on the far right click on the arrow to add another 15 mins for a 30-minute booking.

5. Once you have booked the facility (gym or pool) date and time scroll to the bottom of the form and CONFIRM BOOKING. Download Now6. If you cannot make your booking, please log onto the sign-up site again and CANCEL BOOKING. It is easily done and means others can take your spot.

Please don’t change the settings for the AC in the Gym

A request with regards to the gym, please don’t change the AC settings. They are set for optimum air circulation which in this time of COVID are key.

And finally, In Case of Emergency at the pool…

We hope you never have to use this, but in case of emergency at the pool or whirlpool there are new signs indicating steps to be taken.

The person with the emergency should call 911. There is a landline telephone specifically for this purpose. It is now located next to the button for the whirlpool.

What is the protocol at KAL In Case of Emergency generally?

The security staff are instructed, by the Residents Services Manager,

that they only call 911 if they themselves see the emergency. For example, if they see a fire, a crime, a sick or injured person. They do not relay requests for a 911 call.

What’s happening with the Working Groups?

We have two underway.

The Curtain Wall working group has just been formed. The members are directors Alberta Nokes and William Angus and shareholders Winnie Larsen and Mick Cotton. Their first meeting is this coming Wednesday.

Back to the Future…Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The other working group is looking at electric vehicle charging stations.

It is comprised of director William Angus and shareholder Satish Srivastava. They are currently exploring the best options for Kensington. It is complex. There are many technical and procedural issues.

Electric vehicles are going to be the norm faster than most people imagined. A Bloomberg survey predicts that by 2030 60% of all vehicles will be electric, and electric vehicles need ELECTRIC CHARGING SPOTS.

So, what can we do about that?

Thinking long term as well as short term, the obvious thing to do is to add power to every single parking spot. It will take time but that is the direction we are currently exploring based on the research and our own parking situation here at 21 Dale

EV vehicle owners will cover both capital outlay and operating costs; Shareholders who have NO NEED OR DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE in EV-owning and EV-charging WILL NOT SUBSIDISE those who do.

We will be sending out a survey shortly and would appreciate it if you would fill it in. It will give us an idea of how many kilometres people drive per year which will help us determine how much additional power will be drawn from the building’s finite and limited electrical capacity.

We will need to seek shareholder approval to move forward with this at the next AGM.

And finally, an important note from the Library Committee…

The Library at KAL has approximately 2800 books. The collection is made up of large fiction, biography and mystery sections and smaller history, politics, poetry, essays, general interest, drama, and Canadian sections. It is run on an honor system. Residents borrow and return books at their own taste and pace.

We would remind shareholders that we do not accept magazines, cookbooks, art books, how to make money books or books devoted to personal self-development. As well, we expect that any book contributed to the library be in good shape.

When we receive new books contributed to us by shareholders, we process them and then shelve them. What we often need to do is to cull old books on the shelves to make room for new ones. When we have a good deal of books that we have culled we contribute them to the Metro Library or the Salvation Army.

Recently, we have had some books and magazines dumped on us which are in poor shape and/or belong to genres we don’t accept. Sadly, this is not an isolated occurrence. Please stop.

Respectfully, The Library Committee

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