The Board recently reviewed last years’ goals and accomplishments and created a plan for what we hope to accomplish this year. These are our big picture goals.
Last year, based on the findings of the Management Review, the Board resolved to address:
Communication, Committees, Succession and Accessibility/ Inclusiveness,
We achieved a great deal.
We now have a website, regular Kensington reports, a complete review of all the committees and have initiated an accessibility project.
This year we want to focus on increasing shareholder involvement in helping the Board manage KAL and succession.
How can I contribute to life at KAL?
The committee structure is how most shareholders contribute to life at KAL.
There are 10 committees that cover every aspect of life here:
House, Grounds, Capital, Caring, Green, Social, Welcoming, Renovations, Gym and Library.
Some committees have come and gone, such as: Compliance, HR, Proxy, Fitness and Pond to name a few.
A complete review of the committee structure and recruitment process was long overdue.
Over the course of the past year, all the committees reviewed their structure, terms of reference and methods of recruitment and made minor and major revisions.
Along with updated terms of reference it was decided to review the membership of committees every year, making them more accessible to shareholders who may want to participate. And it was decided that one committee, the Capital Committee, should be disbanded. Rather than have a single standing committee providing the Board with advice on capital projects, we will create Working Groups to address projects on a project-by-project basis.
Why are you disbanding the Capital Committee?
In terms of planning and reviewing capital projects, the Board decided that the quality and timeliness of its decision-making would be improved by addressing each major project on an individual basis. The Capital Committee members already showed the way this past year by organizing themselves on a project-by-project basis, and in effect added to our appreciation of how smaller, more task or project specific groups can provide the Board the support it seeks.
Who will oversee capital projects?
When capital projects are initiated, they are invariably managed by a professional consulting engineer with strong RSO involvement. The Board’s intention is to create a WORKING GROUP for each major project to work with the engineers and RSO. The working group will be actively involved in providing input and giving timely updates to the Board. Depending on the project, they may also have input from the House or Grounds Committees.
What’s the difference between a working group and a committee?
A Working Group is created for a specific task for a particular time frame.
It is dissolved once that task has been completed.
Last year we created four different working groups: the website, committee review, MAP and the Reserve Fund Study.
They all worked very well.
They don't require the same length of commitment of Board or committee members and they allow the Board to draw on specialized knowledge that can be of great benefit.
How are capital projects decided on?
The Reserve Fund Study (RFS) is the road map for the building and the property and stretches out over 30 years. Every three years the study is fully reviewed.
Every year the Board and the Budget Committee decide on what projects we must and can address. Many are operational and some are big projects. The Budget Committee by our own bylaws is mandatory. It is created every year by the Board. Its purpose is to advise the Board on the budget for the following year on operational and capital expenses as per the RFS. It is then dissolved. It is very much like a working group.
Potential Working Groups:
The Overburden (Front Garden and Courtyard)
Though many years away, the project to replace the waterproofing membrane under the front courtyard will be disruptive, expensive, and quite a trauma for all of us. We need to develop an early planning blueprint that covers the myriad of issues that are ours, not the engineers’, to resolve well ahead of the start date (which is more than five years away). This will be a multidisciplinary group, drawing expertise from existing committees and fresh minds we have yet to tap within our community.
Accessibility projects
The Mobility Access Project (MAP) is identifying a list of priorities. The Board will be deciding on them shortly. Depending on the project, it may involve someone from the House Committee and one or two more interested shareholders.
Budget Committee
Looking for a couple of shareholders in addition to one Board member
Rules and Regulations
Need an overhaul. Last time they were reviewed was 2008. A Board member and a couple of shareholders to examine the regulations and make recommendations to the Board.
Succession Group
Organize Job Fair and other methods of recruitment.
Curtain Wall Project
The Curtain Walls are the floor to ceiling glass panels at the East and West centre courtyard entrances and at the East and West building entrances. They will need to be replaced soon. This will likely start in the Spring of 2022. We are looking for a couple of shareholders to monitor its progress and provide shareholder input.
How do I apply to be on a working group?
You can apply directly to the Board by sending an email to:
or approaching any of our Board members.
We also hope to hold a Job Fair in the future which will be a way to learn more about and apply for membership of the Committees and the Working Groups.
The Board looks forward to continuing to work with you on these and other priorities.