Opening Friday, May 13, 2023 - a week earlier than usual!
1. In General
If you have any flu like symptoms you may not use the pool.
For safety reasons the steps into the pool must be kept clear.
2. Telephones
The telephone located in the pool area is for emergencies and official use.
In case of an emergency call 911 first, and then phone the concierge.
3. Showers
Pool users must take a shower before entering the water.
4. Hours
The outdoor pool is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
5. Lane Swimming
1. 8:00am – 10:00am and 2:00pm – 3:00pm
2. Maximum of 4 users for a maximum of 30 minutes.
6. Aquafit Classes
1. Pool is reserved for Aquafit on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00am-11:00am
7. Guests
1. Residents must accompany and remain with their guest(s) while using the pool. Failure to comply will result in loss of fob access to the outdoor pool.
2. Kensington Rules Section 7.2 No resident of a suite, under any circumstance shall lend a fob to a guest at any time
3. The Resident must acquaint guests with pool rules.
4. If the pool is busy, residents have priority of usage.
8. Attire
Appropriate attire should be followed.
Children of diaper age must wear a waterproof, leak-proof diaper.
9. Children
1. At all times, children less than 17 years of age wishing to use the outdoor pool must be under the direct supervision of a responsible person over 18 years of age.
10. Noise in the Outdoor Pool
Noise in the outdoor pool area echoes off the walls and can be very disturbing
Users of music players must ensure that the sound is not audible to others.
11. Food and Drink
Food and alcohol are not permitted
Non-alcoholic drinks need to be in non-breakable containers
12. Pets are not permitted in the pool.
13. Smoking
1. No smoking is permitted in the pool or lounging deck area.
14. Maintenance
1. Swimmers should wait 30 minutes after pool chemicals are added.
A sign in the pool area will indicate when the chemicals were added.
2. If you notice a maintenance issue with the pool, alert the concierge, who will let the superintendent know.
15. Use at your own risk, KAL is not liable.
16. Government Requirements
Users should comply with the City of Toronto regulations posted beside the pool concerning pool use.