A Note From Your Social Committee
It is great to be able to get together live again even
with some restrictions. These gatherings go a long
way to the feeling of belonging in our community and
the meeting of some very interesting neighbours..
The building is changing with lots of new people so we
are hoping that we all take this opportunity of the
party and get to know each other.
Unfortunately the government has still some
restrictions and these we must live by. Masks and
distances are still in force and of course the
vaccinations . You are on your honour here at 21 but if
you have not been double vaccinated please skip the
The Party begins at 7.00 pm under the front canopy on
Wed Dec. 15th, 2021.
Hot cider (with or without ) Wine and Soft drinks ., A
Challenge Game/ Carol Singing and Lots of Laughs
will be waiting for you.
We are asking everyone to make a name tag and pin it
on your coat.
Whether we call it a Christmas or Holiday or a Jolly
Fest , it all means the same. Celebrating our Good
Fortune to Living and Enjoying the Community of 21
Dale .
P.S…..your donation for Covenant House last spring
Meet you at the Bar……..Your Social Committee