After a long pandemic interval, shareholders were invited to attend a Town Hall last Monday November 7th IN THE LOBBY
It was a welcome relief to be able to attend in person, and there was a good turn out. We tried something new. Instead of one large group chaired by the President, shareholders were asked to form separate groups of about 10 people, each chaired by a Board Director. Everyone was able to have a say and share ideas.
A lot of people said they liked the new format and thought it worth trying again. That said, next time we will have to host each group in separate apartments or spaces and then assemble in the lobby at the end. The noise level made it very difficult to hear each other!
At the start of the meeting, the President, Denise Réaume suggested a few possible subjects for discussion.
KAL Communications Strategy
The Greening of KAL
The KAL of the future
There was much discussion about the KAL website and how to improve it. Many residents still don’t know how to log onto the site. Those who do use the website would like more content updates. There was support for the idea of driving people to the website by linking to it whenever an email is sent out by the RSO, instead of repeating information by email and on the website. It was generally agreed it is time for a website renovation.
So, here’s the plan:
The Board will send out a survey to all shareholders asking specific questions about the website, what works, what doesn’t, what you’d like more of etc.
We will then arrange for a revamping of our website.
In the meantime, we will hold a clinic in the Boardroom to help those who are having trouble logging on. Date to be announced soon. Also, there are cards available with website log on instructions available at the front desk.
How to log onto the website:
Put the website address in your browser (search engine)
Website Address:
Once you are on the website click on Shareholder login and enter:
Password: donvalley483!
A suggestion of holding a general computer clinic was also welcomed by many shareholders. The Board will organise this in the near future.
There is now a KAL Facebook page. So if you subscribe to FB you can search for Kensington Apartments and join the KAL FB group.
This is a private group restricted to residents of Kensington Apartments. You can post photos, comments, notices, queries, or just chat with your neighbours. It is moderated, so your posts will not appear instantly. This is not an official KAL page. For business, requests, complaints etc contact the Management or the Board in the usual ways.
As a Board we know how important communication is and that it can always be improved. On that note we are considering creating a Communications Committee to provide ongoing feedback to the Board and management about how we can improve our outreach efforts. We are seeking applicants who may be tech savvy, or enjoy writing, or taking photographs. If interested please send an email to the board with a short description of your skills and interests
Many residents were extremely interested in the possibility of installing solar panels on the roof, and other energy-conserving measures that would both render KAL more ‘green’ and also diminish utility costs or help to keep them stable.
Pretty well all the groups discussed their desire for electric vehicle charging to be made available and shared ideas about how best to achieve this.
The Electric Vehicle Charging Working Group moves apace. They are exploring the options for phasing in and financing the needed infrastructure. It is extremely complex as the technology is changing rapidly, and we want to be responsive to shareholders who want to go electric while not committing ourselves to a project that leaves us with orphaned chargers. There are also aspects of our legal structure that makes it hard to simply borrow from what condos or co-ops are doing. But we are working on a plan.
As a Board, we are hoping to start thinking 10 – 30 years ahead to anticipate likely technology changes and challenges that we should be ready to meet them. Especially important, perhaps, given the age of the building.
An Accessibility Committee has been created, acknowledging the work we have to do on this front. As a small token of our commitment, James recently arranged to install cut-outs in some curbs that had been serious obstacles to getting around. Thank you, James!
The Committee will be reaching out to shareholders and residents to learn more about people’s concerns and collect ideas for improvements. The Committee also hopes to be a repository for information about accessibility issues - legal developments and our resulting obligations, technology advances that may be of use to residents, and much more.
Beyond the suggested topics, discussions covered a wide range of issues and ideas, here’s a sampling.
A number of new residents have moved in over the past several months.
The Welcoming Committee has hosted a few get-togethers which have been well attended. Another idea floated by the Committee is the creation of a buddy system for new residents, buddys would not have to belong to the committee necessarily.
In fact, a few shareholders suggested they would be happy to volunteer for “buddy” duty. One idea was assigning a buddy to each floor. They can answer questions when a new resident arrives and be on hand a few months later if there are follow up questions.
Another effort to bring people together: Coming up soon is a Coffee morning at 11 a.m. on December 6 on the 7th floor mezzanine. Please bring your own mug; coffee will be provided.
Joining a committee is a great way to meet people and figure out what makes this building tick. However, it is hard to know how to get involved. One suggestion the Board has put forward is to hold a Committee Fair, like a Jobs Fair, in the lobby in the Spring. Each Committee would have a table with information about what they do and membership. Stay tuned.
Every group expressed concern about the appearance of the lobby.
The last reserve fund study included lobby redecoration, but was deferred because there were other more pressing projects. We plan to give this renewed consideration in the coming year, as we undertake another reserve fund study. Sooner rather than later we will be bringing in designers to give us ideas on what the possibilities are including improved accessibility.
Shareholders again voiced their desire to be regularly updated on ongoing projects. They appreciate the information they get in the Kensington Report, but would like more.
Damaged drain (formerly known as the sinkhole)
To say it is frustrating for all concerned is to put it mildly. Here is where we stand:
The last phase of this project – connecting the new drain to the city sewer system – is complex. Our drain is some way from the Rosedale Valley Road; the slope is steep; and we need to do as little damage as possible to the trees, which themselves stabilize the ravine. The engineers have worked through various options and are planning on “micro-excavation” using an excavator that is only 28” wide and is operated remotely. The engineering plan is formulated, an arborist has reviewed the plans to consider the impact on the ravine, and a proposal has been made to the three levels of government – province, city, and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority – from whom we need permits. We expect a reply imminently. Once we get the go ahead we can start work immediately, even in the winter months.
The curtain wall
For those who are not familiar with this term, a curtain wall refers to the floor to ceiling glass walls on the East and West sides of the building facing the centre courtyard. Replacement plans are underway in order to improve energy efficiency, upgrade from single to double glazing, and repair the sections that leak.
The Curtain Wall Working Group has approved the plans. The contractors have been hired, and the replacement glass ordered. Installation was scheduled for this fall. However, supply line issues impacted the delivery of the glass panes ordered. Delivery of some of the elements is expected in late January and preliminary work can begin. We will inform residents when that will happen once we have a date.
We also heard about several day-to-day fixes needed. We remind residents that these are best dealt with by submitting a Work Order via the KAL website at, or brought in writing to the front desk.